Little or no experience in a kayak on flat water (could have done 5 kayak trips on flat water). Probably not practised capsizing a sea kayak outdoors.
Intromediate Ability Level:
Confident paddling in a straight line and turning using a variety of strokes on flat water and light winds. Has practised capsizing a kayak outdoors with a spraydeck and can get back into their kayak in deep water with assistance. Has been on more than 5 kayak trips on flat water.
Intermediate Ability Level:
Confident paddling in a straight line and turning using a variety of strokes in winds F3-4 and waves up to 1.5m. Has practised capsizing a kayak outdoors wearing a spraydeck and has practised getting back into their kayak on their own and can get back into their kayak quickly with assistance. Has been on more than 10 kayak trips on flat water. Have started to learn to roll their kayak and undertaken some rescue training.
Confident kayaking in a range of tidal conditions and moderate winds. Able to roll their kayak and take an active role in a rescue situation.
Likely to have done well over 30 full-day trips, some of which will have been in moderate wind or tidal conditions and/or experience of an overnight trip.
Likely to have paddled occasionally in winds up to F5-6 and experienced being in waves over 1.5m or working towards developing their skills in these types of conditions.